"Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."
1 John 4:11
St. John's has a variety of support ministries to help others through times of need. Please see the following ministries and feel free to contact us at (803) 648-6891 to utilize one of these services or to volunteer with one of these valuable ministries.

Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministers are members of St. John’s who have been through extensive training and provide confidential, one-to-one, Christian care to people who are experiencing a difficult time. They listen, care, encourage, pray, and provide weekly support for as long as the need persists. If someone you know is hurting or if you feel led to join this ministry, find out more about Stephen Ministry by talking with one of our Stephen Leaders: Rick Endler, Steve Lathrop, Diane James, Rob Persons, Ginger Hudock, or Rev. Butch Blackwell. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to bring God’s love and care to those in need. To learn more and hear stories from care receivers, click the button below.

Joseph's Coat
This group knits and/or crochets clothing items for external needs in the community, especially for babies and young children in crisis. This group is led by Nancy Perrine. Contact the church office to learn more!

Prayer Shawl Ministry
The prayer shawl ministry serves to make blankets and shawls that are prayed over and are used for several purposes. Blankets are made for babies and young children being baptized as a reminder of that sacrament. Shawls are made and given to members of our church family that are facing a long term illness or time of trouble to remind them that they are wrapped in love. This is one of the wonderful support ministries we offer at St. John's. This group is led by Pam McCollum. Contact the church office to learn more!

Shepherd of Love
The Shepherd of Love Ministry's goal is to bring joy to those who have a hard time getting out of the house and are not as often able to get out of the house. Each person in need is paired with a shepherd and that shepherd makes regular visits. This is often an activity that spans generations as some parents bring children along. It is a great opportunity to make new friendships and improve someone's quality of life with a visit. This group is led by Jeannette Isaacson. Contact the church office to learn more!

Bereavement Group
This group is a wonderful support to those who are managing their grief. Please contact Rev. Butch Blackwell at (803) 648-6891 for more information. If you are grieving the loss of a loved one who has died, please contact Rev. Butch Blackwell to register for this support group. This group is led by Rev. Butch Blackwell. Contact the church office to learn more.

Grace Kitchen
Grace Kitchen is run by a group of volunteers and serves our community. Each Saturday morning, a free hot breakfast and devotion is offered to anyone who wishes to attend. If you would like to volunteer, or want more information, contact the church office.

Jack Meeks Wheelchair Ramp Ministry
St. John's Methodist Men have a group who go out almost every weekend to build ramps for people in the Aiken community who are unable to get up and down the stairs leading into their homes. This is a valuable service to our community, and they always have a list of people in need. The funds for this ministry come from the annual Jack Meeks Memorial Golf Tournament. This ministry is led by Steve Lathrop. Contact the church office to learn more.

Sunday Morning Bus Ministry
We have a committed group of drivers who go out every Sunday and give rides to those who wish to come to church, but cannot drive here. Our church minibus makes the rounds for each service on Sunday. Contact the church office to learn more.

Ministry Meals
Wednesday Night Suppers are a popular event here at St. John's, and for those members who are ill or have a major life event going on and cannot get to the church, we offer delivery of those meals and dinner on us for those who are truly in need. We have a wonderful team of drivers delivering meals all over Aiken each Wednesday. Juli Davis leads this ministry. Contact the church office to learn more.