St. John’s 2025 Mission Impact Celebration (MIC) is February 5-9. Our emphasis this year is on international missions and our theme is “Be His Feet.”
The MIC is a church-wide event to celebrate our connections with God’s work all around the world- locally and internationally. The Mission Impact Celebration is put on by the St. John’s Methodist Church Mission Leadership Team. Each year, we take turns celebrating our international and regional partners. This year we will be celebrating our international partners. Come join us February 5th-9th, 2025!
Watch video below to learn more about MIC 2025
Join us in preparation by praying with us and for our mission partners. Here is a prayer guide for the 40 days leading up to our 2025 Mission Impact Celebration.
Click Here for the Prayer Guide
This guide is designed to be read one day at a time. You will not only learn more about St. John’s international mission partners, but you will also discover other ways in which you can be in prayer for “the ends of the earth”. Each missionary or mission director wrote two daily entries, one per sonal and one for the ministry in which they serve. As you read them, you will find each partner to have a deep sense of personal calling, a love for the Lord, and a love for all people. Ephesians 6:18 reminds us that it is through the work and power of the Holy Spirit that we come to the Lord in prayer. While each daily entry lists a few requests, allow the Spirit to lead you further as you pray for the world. Never underestimate the power of a single prayer. Seeking God through prayer is serious business. Let’s not neglect it!
Dates of MIC Events
- Wednesday, February 5th at 5:30pm in the gym: Mission Celebration Dinner, which will include a separate Children’s Mission Program (1st grade and up) after the meal. Childcare provided with a separate reservation.
- Thursday and Friday, February 6th & 7th: Small group gatherings. If you have not already been invited and would like to attend one please call the church office and leave your name, contact information and the mission partner you are most interested in hearing.
- Saturday, February 8th in Ward Hall from 11am-1pm for all women: His Word, Our Mission: Women Spreading God’s Love event. Childcare provided with a separate reservation.
- Saturday, February 8 at 5:30 in the gym: International Game Night (Fun for All). This event will include soups and snacks. Childcare provided with a separate reservation.
- Sunday, February 9 from 9:45am – 10:45am Sunday School Hour: Meet a Mission Partner. Each of our mission partners will be in a separate location throughout the church.
- Sunday Worship: Attend 8:30, 9:02 and/or 11:00 services to hear from one of our mission partners. During these services you will be given the opportunity to make a Faith Promise commitment that covers February, 2025 through January, 2026. Your Faith Promise donations are helping 31 different mission partners to fulfill their Godly purpose and to be His witness all around the world. Everyone who attends will receive a gift!